Built ca. 1880. This is a large, long clapboard row house in the Bracketed Eastlake style that took advantage of its siting. A porch entry wraps to the right side, and includes a glazed sun section. It boasts stacked rectangular pediment bay windows on front and sides, interesting spindle porch supports, and window strip ornament that extends as brackets into the eaves. Bracketed Eastlake predominates stylistically among Eureka’s older residences, with many Stick-Style and Queen Anne elements. A larger house such as this, was often an excuse for designerly exercises in arcaded porches, balconies, and entrance pavilions, sometimes with fanciful overscaled railings and post brackets. The large box form here is extended with bays and slight projections capped with pediment gables. This is a very well-sited house, lifted several feet above sidewalk level by a low retaining wall. The property is largely unaltered externally. But the entrance steps, railing, and roofing are not original and the chimney is missing.